The source code for this library is available on GitHub.

Vaiva's Pattern Library.


import React from 'react';
import { Link } from 'gatsby';

const Button = ({ link, text, onClick, type, large, secondary }) => {
  const buttonClass = `inline-flex cursor-pointer text-center items-center justify-center rounded-[3px] border-2 px-3 focus-visible:text-color-100 focus-visible:bg-color-600 active:bg-color-600 active:text-color-100 w-fit
      ? 'py-5 large-button min-w-[18.75rem] sm:min-w-0 sm:w-full'
      : 'py-[0.25rem]'
      ? 'bg-white text-color border-color hover:text-color hover:bg-color-200 hover:border-color focus-visible:border-color-200'
      : 'bg-color-400 text-white border-color-400 hover:text-color hover:bg-color-100 hover:border-color-100 focus-visible:border-color-100'

  return (
      {link ? (
        link[0] !== '/' ? (
          <a href={link} className={buttonClass}>
        ) : (
          <Link to={link} className={buttonClass}>
      ) : (
        <button onClick={onClick} type={type} className={buttonClass}>

export default Button;

More Components

TailwindCSS Text Carousel

The title speaks volumes.

useClickOutside Hook

Clicking outside a referential element will close it. This hook is useful for dropdowns, modals, etc. To use it you must import useRef and create a variable named 'wrapperRef' with a value of 'useRef(null)'. You then attach 'ref={wrapperRef} to the element you'd like the user to click outside of. To close the element, create a 'closeInput' function sets state to the desired value.